International Volunteer Day 2022

Celebrate and inspire!

We celebrated all of London’s lifelines on International Volunteer Day – 5th December 2022! (But we’re shouting about them all year round!)

Discover more 

Play the video below for  a special International Volunteer Day message from Deputy Mayor of London Debbie Weekes-Bernard.  

We were so delighted to see so many of London’s lifelines joining together to proudly wear purple for International Volunteer Day 2022!

Feeling inspired?

Maybe International Volunteer Day inspired you to take up volunteering.  You too could be one of London’s lifelines – Find out how to volunteer in London!

If you’re a volunteer already, we’d love to hear your volunteering story too!  Or tell us about your International Volunteer Day celebration. Dig out a picture or film a quick video message, and share them with us here.